Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to add categories to a Sharepoint 2010 wiki


How to add categories to a Sharepoint 2010 Foundation Wiki



– Needed rights

– Sharepoint 2010 Foundation

– Internet Explorer


Steps to perform:

1.) login to the Sharepoint Website collection which hold your wiki

2.) Site Actions -> Site Settings

3.) Under Galleries click on “Site content types”

4.) click on “Wiki Page

5.) click on “Add from new site column”

6.) Fill in the details like:

– Column name: “Wiki Category”

– Type: Choice

– Description: Category for our wiki

– Choices: Add here your choices which you wish to use in your wiki

click on OK

7.) The column is created now. Now click on the name you see in the screen

8.) Change the “This column is:” to “required”. This will force the user to choose a category if they create contents.


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