Monday, February 17, 2025

Troubleshooting connection issues from users migrated from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013/2016

Abstract: You migrated from Exchange 2010/2013 to 2016, but AutoDiscovery is not working correctly for migrated users.


– Two exchange environments (Exchange 2010 and 2013 or Exchange 2016)

– The namespace is already moved over and Exchange 2016 is proxy the connections (to Exchange 2010/2013)


Troubleshooting 01:

– You created a user on Exchange 2010/2013, the use is able to work without any issues (via the Exchange 2016 proxy).

– You created a user on Exchange 2016, the user is able to work without any issues on the same PC as the Exchange 2010/2013 user.

– You moved a Exchange 2010/2013 user over to Exchange 2016. The mailbox is moved without issues, the user got a “Microsoft Exchange administrator has made a change that requires you quit and restart Outlook” as expected.

– If you restart Outlook as required the client still couldn´t connect.

Solution 01: Make sure that Outlook is up to date (keep noted that Exchange 2016 do not support Office 2007) as written in KB 2934750. Especially KB 2965295 for Office 2010 must be installed.


Troubleshooting 02:

If solution 01 didn´t solve the issue, then check if the “auto discovery” is working as expected

01a.) Reset the Outlook profile (so that we have a fresh new one to avoid any issues)

01b.) Enable Outlook Logging (as mentioned in KB 2862843) via:

Subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Options\Mail
DWORD: EnableLogging
Value: 1

For different versions make sure you use 15.0 instead of 12.0 for example.

01c.) Start Outlook 2010 until you see the issue

01d.) Search for %temp% and check the olkdisc.log in the user temp folder and if you do see some issues (see below)

As an alternate troubleshooting you use a working Outlook client and use the “Test E-Mail Configuration” hidden option. Use the email address from a affected user and select only the “UseAutoDiscovery”

Both (logging and the ‘Test E-Mail Configuration’) will produce a similar result as seen below:

Thread    Tick Count    Date/Time    Description
Account Configuration Version 14.0.7172.0
376 0x0066C3BD 09/07/16 18:36:02 Start AD lookup for e-mail address
376 0x0066C514 09/07/16 18:36:03 AD lookup for e-mail address Succeeded (0x00000000)
376 0x0066C524 09/07/16 18:36:03 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
376 0x0066C524 09/07/16 18:36:03 AUTODISCOVER GET SETTINGS BEGIN
376 0x0066C524 09/07/16 18:36:03
376 0x0066C591 09/07/16 18:36:03 Attempting URL found through SCP
376 0x0066C591 09/07/16 18:36:03 Autodiscover to starting
376 0x0066C5CF 09/07/16 18:36:03 GetLastError=0; httpStatus=401.
376 0x0066C5CF 09/07/16 18:36:03 AutoDiscover disabled auth schemes:
376 0x0066C5CF 09/07/16 18:36:03 <NONE>
376 0x0066C5CF 09/07/16 18:36:03 AutoDiscover supported auth schemes:
376 0x0066C5CF 09/07/16 18:36:03 Negotiate
376 0x0066C5CF 09/07/16 18:36:03 NTLM
376 0x0066C5CF 09/07/16 18:36:03 Basic
376 0x0066C5CF 09/07/16 18:36:03 AutoDiscover attempting Auto-Negotiate with Desktop Credentials.
376 0x0066C5CF 09/07/16 18:36:03 AutoDiscover USING pcreds->dwAuthScheme:
376 0x0066C5CF 09/07/16 18:36:03 Negotiate
376 0x0066C63D 09/07/16 18:36:03 GetLastError=0; httpStatus=302.
376 0x0066C63D 09/07/16 18:36:03 Autodiscover to Failed (0x800C8204)
376 0x0066C63D 09/07/16 18:36:03 Autodiscover URL redirection to
376 0x0066C63D 09/07/16 18:36:03 Autodiscover to starting
376 0x0066C66B 09/07/16 18:36:03 GetLastError=0; httpStatus=401.
376 0x0066C66B 09/07/16 18:36:03 AutoDiscover disabled auth schemes:
376 0x0066C66B 09/07/16 18:36:03 <NONE>
376 0x0066C66B 09/07/16 18:36:03 AutoDiscover supported auth schemes:
376 0x0066C66B 09/07/16 18:36:03 Negotiate
376 0x0066C66B 09/07/16 18:36:03 NTLM
376 0x0066C66B 09/07/16 18:36:03 Basic
376 0x0066C66B 09/07/16 18:36:03 AutoDiscover attempting Auto-Negotiate with Desktop Credentials.
376 0x0066C66B 09/07/16 18:36:03 AutoDiscover USING pcreds->dwAuthScheme:
376 0x0066C66B 09/07/16 18:36:03 Negotiate
376 0x0066C6D9 09/07/16 18:36:03 GetLastError=0; httpStatus=302.
376 0x0066C6D9 09/07/16 18:36:03 Autodiscover to Failed (0x800C8204)
376 0x0066C6D9 09/07/16 18:36:03 Autodiscover to starting
376 0x0066C6D9 09/07/16 18:36:03 GetLastError=12007; httpStatus=0.
376 0x0066C6D9 09/07/16 18:36:03 Autodiscover to Failed (0x800C8203)
376 0x0066C6D9 09/07/16 18:36:03 Autodiscover to starting
376 0x006718FE 09/07/16 18:36:24 GetLastError=12002; httpStatus=0.
376 0x006718FE 09/07/16 18:36:24 AutoDiscover internet timeout against URL
376 0x0067BD28 09/07/16 18:37:06 GetLastError=12002; httpStatus=0.
376 0x0067BD28 09/07/16 18:37:06 AutoDiscover internet timeout against URL
376 0x0067BD28 09/07/16 18:37:06 Autodiscover to Failed (0x800C8203)
376 0x0067BD28 09/07/16 18:37:06 Local autodiscover for starting
376 0x0067BD28 09/07/16 18:37:06 Local autodiscover for Failed (0x8004010F)
376 0x0067BD28 09/07/16 18:37:06 Redirect check to starting
376 0x0067BD47 09/07/16 18:37:06 Autodiscover URL redirection to
376 0x0067BD47 09/07/16 18:37:06 Autodiscover to starting
376 0x0067C12E 09/07/16 18:37:07 GetLastError=12029; httpStatus=0.
376 0x0067C12E 09/07/16 18:37:07 Autodiscover to Failed (0x800C8203)
376 0x0067C12E 09/07/16 18:37:07 Srv Record lookup for Failed (0x800C8203)
376 0x0067C12E 09/07/16 18:37:07 Srv Record lookup for starting
376 0x0067C13D 09/07/16 18:37:07 Autodiscover URL redirection to
376 0x0067C13D 09/07/16 18:37:07 Autodiscover to starting
376 0x0067C533 09/07/16 18:37:08 GetLastError=12029; httpStatus=0.
376 0x0067C533 09/07/16 18:37:08 Autodiscover to Failed (0x800C8203)
376 0x0067C533 09/07/16 18:37:08 Srv Record lookup for Failed (0x800C8203)
376 0x0067C533 09/07/16 18:37:08 AUTODISCOVER GET SETTINGS END
376 0x0067C533 09/07/16 18:37:08 -----------------------------

What you see here is that the internal AutoDiscovery entry performs an redirect (for example the first 0x800C8204 error) while a working Exchange 2016 user produce the following:

Thread    Tick Count    Date/Time    Description
Account Configuration Version 14.0.7172.0
2840 0x0047C514 09/07/16 18:02:11 Start AD lookup for e-mail address
2840 0x0047C83F 09/07/16 18:02:12 AD lookup for e-mail address Succeeded (0x00000000)
2840 0x0047C83F 09/07/16 18:02:12 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2840 0x0047C83F 09/07/16 18:02:12 AUTODISCOVER GET SETTINGS BEGIN
2840 0x0047C83F 09/07/16 18:02:12
2840 0x0047C938 09/07/16 18:02:12 Attempting URL found through SCP
2840 0x0047C938 09/07/16 18:02:12 Autodiscover to starting
2840 0x0047C977 09/07/16 18:02:12 GetLastError=0; httpStatus=401.
2840 0x0047C977 09/07/16 18:02:12 AutoDiscover disabled auth schemes:
2840 0x0047C977 09/07/16 18:02:12 <NONE>
2840 0x0047C977 09/07/16 18:02:12 AutoDiscover supported auth schemes:
2840 0x0047C977 09/07/16 18:02:12 Negotiate
2840 0x0047C977 09/07/16 18:02:12 NTLM
2840 0x0047C977 09/07/16 18:02:12 Basic
2840 0x0047C977 09/07/16 18:02:12 AutoDiscover attempting Auto-Negotiate with Desktop Credentials.
2840 0x0047C977 09/07/16 18:02:12 AutoDiscover USING pcreds->dwAuthScheme:
2840 0x0047C977 09/07/16 18:02:12 Negotiate
2840 0x0047CA03 09/07/16 18:02:12 GetLastError=0; httpStatus=200.
2840 0x0047CA03 09/07/16 18:02:12 Autodiscover XML Received
2840 ---BEGIN XML---

This is because of the reason that the Exchange Server 2013 or 2016 continues to proxy the autodiscover request to Exchange Server 2010. Exchange Server 2010 responds with a 302 redirect back to Exchange Server 2013 or 2016 (depending on the upgrade) which caused the 0x800C8204 error. According to the Microsoft (as seen here or here) the 0x800C8204 means “a redirect was received to a more accurate location” which explains the seen issue above.

Solution 02:

As written in KB 3097392 the MSExchangeAutodiscoverAppPool needs to be restarted on the affected Exchange 2016 server (keep noted if you have a cluster you need to perform that on all of them)

Restart-WebAppPool MSExchangeAutodiscoverAppPool

You might wish to run that on a periodic state (e.g. every 30min). If you wish to do that check the follow URL.



If this issue is affecting users who are connected via ActiveSync try to recycle the Sync App pool via (as reported here)

Restart-WebAppPool MSExchangeSyncAppPool




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